Paris 9th
5 Articles
Piccola Toscana
Piccola Toscana, grande cuore (big heart for the non-bilingual). There are so many Italian restaurants to choose from in the capital, it’s sometimes hard to...
Le Pain Retrouvé
Le Pain retrouvé, it has truly risen. Sunday, days of rest, but above all days to become a Parisian bobo! No time to lose, just out of mass, I cook myself a nice...
Tiger Milk
Tiger Milk, a true culinary trip. Who hasn’t dreamed of traveling to Latin America without paying the plan ticket? Tiger Milk is THE solution! A trip to Latin...
Brasserie Alesti
Brasserie Alesti, where every flavor is a symphony The Brasserie Alesti offers good French homemade cuisine. The brasserie seduces with its authentic and warm...
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